Discover How To Finally Play Something On Your Own, Without Needing A Band, That Sounds To You And Everyone Around You Like A “Real” Blues Song… Anytime You Want…
When you combine the 3 elements of any song together on your guitar you can mix and match parts to create an almost endless supply of authentic sounding blues songs on command… without needing any backup band, jam tracks, or anything at all except you and a guitar…
...And you can have it all (and more) for just $19.
Ever had someone say, “Oh! You play guitar? Play me something…”
And did you just get that same knot in your stomach that I used to get when I heard that?
No matter how many cool scales, rhythms, licks, or tricks you know, if it doesn’t sound like a song when you play it… well it just doesn’t sound like much.
But what if you were able to combine the 3 core elements of all songs, Rhythm, Harmony, and Melody, together on your guitar at the same time?
So that every time you sat down to “just play something,” it sounded like an actual song - even without singing and even though you’re making it up as you go along?
If that sounds like a stretch I couldn’t agree more…
I never would have believed it was possible either until I was doing exactly what I’m about to show you at a music store and someone came up and asked, “what song was that?”
Hurry... this special $19 offer won't last long!!
WARNING! When the timer hits 00 : 00 : 00 this special offer will be gone forever

Griff Hamlin
Music is not complex… and it was never meant to be.
Blues music, especially, was handed down from generation to generation simply by singing the songs and passing them down. They had to be simple, but they still had to be songs.
So what is it that makes a song a song?
That, my friend, is the real question… because if you’re like me, you’ve probably spent an awful lot of time learning chords, scales, licks, tricks, strumming patterns… and all the other elements of guitar playing…
But when you sit down by yourself to play, all the cool licks in the world still never sound like a song.
And that’s the realization I came to several years ago when someone asked me to just “play them something.”
I started playing some rather complex licks and solo examples that I had recently learned… I was pretty darn proud of myself when I was done…
But that quickly faded when the look on their face told me in no uncertain terms, “well that wasn’t all that interesting.”
And so at that point I really started thinking about what makes something sound like a song? I have many private students with many diverse musical backgrounds so it was pretty easy to boil it down into 3 things:
- Rhythm – the song has to have rhythm and it has to be really obvious. A drum line will have neither of the other 2 elements and it’s still interesting to watch because Rhythm is so important.
- Harmony – there are a few songs in the world based around only 1 chord, but by and large you need chord movement or things aren’t going far very fast.
- Melody – strangely enough, the least important element, but it really helps when you have a strong melody that you (or your listener) can hum when you’re done… a “hook” if you will.
But how can you put all that together?
That’s the trick, isn’t it? And as I started to get into how that can be done, I realized it was time to put it all into a course so I could demonstrate as many details and nuances of this technique as possible.
So that’s what I did and it’s called Playing On The Porch.
Here's What You'll Get
Playing On The Porch is the only step by step system that will have you creating your own blues songs that you can play as long as you want. You're only limited by your imagination once you see how it goes together.
The 2 most common blues rhythm patterns (for Rhythm) that work perfectly for this style of playing so you can get going right away. I’m sure you’ve heard these rhythms, but you may not have ever looked at them this way before.
A breakdown of the 12 bar blues form (for Harmony) so you can see how the rhythm you’re playing moves and changes to emphasize the chords for you and your listener.
Some great blues licks to handle the Melody.
How to blend all the 3 elements together into your own blues song any time you want without anyone else or anything else required.
2 complete song examples. You can learn these exactly as I’ve done, then modify them and change them every time to create something new and exciting every single day.
In this example you'll see the 3 song elements that we'll be working with and an explanation of why Rhythm is so important in the combination...
Check out how we break down the licks you'll be learning to play the included tunes...
Here's the 1st tune you'll learn. Notice that you can play it as I've written it, but there are TONS of great licks that would fill in those same spots and give you limitless possibilities.
The 2nd tune we'll cover uses what I call "thump bass" and it's one of my favorite ways to play in this style because it really sounds like 2 guitars are playing. Again, the licks can be played as you learn them until you get good at it and then you can mix and match 'til the cows come home!
So Why Am I Practically Giving Away One Of My Best Courses?
You've been on my Blues Guitar Unleashed Newsletter email list for quite some time now...
And over that time you've received probably dozens of videos and emails with all sorts of tips and tricks and ideas on how to be a better blues player.
But what you don't realize is that with all that... I still save the best stuff for my paying members.
In fact, when I first started my business way back in 2006 (which might as well be the stone ages in internet years) I had just come off of working with a couple of different bands at Disneyland since the mid 1990's.
And I'll tell you one thing I learned from Disney that they know better than anyone and practice better than anyone...
Treat your customers like gold.
And I have. For every great piece of advice I send you or every video lesson that shows up, you can believe that my paying members are getting all of that and more besides...
Now you might think that would be overwhelming, but it's not always "more stuff" that they get... more than that it's my personal attention.
Because each and every one of my paying members is entitled and encouraged to use the Blues Guitar Unleashed member forum and every day there are posts up there with questions about everything from how to string a guitar, what the best overdrive pedals are, how the CAGED system works, to guys connecting for jam sessions and postings of member recordings of lessons and what we call the "virtual jamroom."
And every day I get personal messages in my inbox there and I answer them - every single day (okay... I miss a day here and there, but not very often!)
So with that said, I wanted to make it as easy as I could possibly make it for you to cross the line and join us here on the other side of the curtain... to be a "BGU Member" with all of the perks that comes with that membership.
And because I'm pretty sure that when you see what all the fuss is about, and you start to see the progress in your playing, you'll come back and purchase more of my premium offerings because you will know that they are worth your hard earned dollars.
This complete game changing Playing On The Porch course REALLY only costs $19 but...
Copies of this course are limited and no matter what I can only leave this special offer open for a few days.
And once this opportunity is gone... it's gone for good.
Plus... get a free copy of Essential Blues Chords as my gift...
When you take me up on my little "ethical bribe" you'll not only get Playing On The Porch for just $19 (and I'll priority ship it anywhere in the US for free, by the way...) but I'll also send you another of my most popular DVDs, Essential Blues Chords.
Imagine having every chord you would ever need to play blues guitar, right at your fingertips... Sounds impossible, right?
Far from it.
The thing is, most chord books full of thousands of chords are not made by guitar players... And while those chords “theoretically” exist… in reality you would never actually play them (or try!)
With Essential Blues Chords you get every blues chord you’ll ever need… and you get them all quick and easy... in less time than it takes you to watch an episode of CSI.
And you'll get it for free with your copy of Playing On The Porch when you act fast ($24.95 value.)
Just Say “Maybe”
I’m so confident that you’ll love Playing On The Porch that I’m willing to give you a full 365 days to try it out for yourself.
If you don’t love it, just let me or one of my friendly helpdesk agents know and you’ll get a fast, friendly refund… no questions asked (and you don’t even have to send it back.
So Let’s Wrap This Up…
Playing On The Porch is just $19, plus you'll get Essential Blues Chords as my gift and I'll cover priority shipping anywhere in the US.
Both courses also come with an instant access digital version that you can access immediately from the secure member area right after your purchase.
You simply log in to the secure member area, download the course or watch it from the website if you have an active internet connection.
It never goes away and if you lose it you can always download it again… I don’t do time limits... and the DVDs will also be there in just a couple of days usually.
And it’s only $19… less than a 30 minute lesson with me personally and you’ll have access to a lifetime of fun and success on your guitar.
Plus, you’ve got 365 days – a full year – to try out the course for yourself and see what it can do for you. If at any point you aren’t totally thrilled with it, just let me know and I’ll give you a full refund and you don’t even have to send it back.
This is one of the few times in life when such a small investment can bring such big returns. If you are tired of spending your days practicing and still feeling like you aren’t playing real music then Playing On The Porch very well may be just what you’ve been looking for.
Hurry... this special $19 offer won't last long!!
WARNING! When the timer hits 00 : 00 : 00 this special offer will be gone forever